Courses offered

Childbirth class:
You can be part of groups in pregnant women, couple courses or participate in (risk pregnancies) in individual lessons at birth preparation. The course includes:

  • Information on the course of pregnancy, about your child's development and the changes during pregnancy and after childbirth
  • Relaxation exercises, breathing exercises, body awareness
  • Information about the processes during childbirth
  • Support available through the partner
  • Information about the diet of women and children in particular at breast-feed
  • Information on the life of a child and the changes that may happen with the new family member in the family constellation.
Postnatal exercise:
The Gymnastics after Birth begins after the healing and recovery process is complete (about 8 weeks after birth).
In the postnatal exercises you strengthen your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles in addition to all the other muscles and holding the entire apparatus.

Other courses:
Courses such as baby massage, Pekip, baby swimming are also offered by midwives. You are no benefits of health insurance and must be paid by you.

You can find further information on the profession of a midwife and her activities on the website of the Bavarian Association of Midwives.